Sunday, July 22, 2007

Post #2 .....

Because I make MM for myself then I want it to be the best, especially the ingredients. I used only the best ingredients and I don't use any filler (such as Bismuth Oxycholride, talc, etc). I made several batches and asked my friends to try. So far they like it, only 1 comment that I need to clarify: it's not as smooth as the regular make-up. Yes! first, because I don't use something that we don't need. OK, if I want to add smoothness and slip to my MM, there are several choices : Bismuth (again!!)-Big NO NO and I can use micronized ingredients but they are debating about the safety of micronized ingredients (Link) So I sacrifice the slip of my MM and go with natural. Also I can improve the silkiness of the MM by adding silk powder but if I do that I have to add preservative to my MM since it is not mineral and it is animal produce. Do we want preservative?? I don't.